Thanks to Jen for hosting.
1. It's been quite the hectic week at the Wahlund household. Last Friday, Elanor went home sick from school after throwing up. She was fine all weekend, but on Monday she again complained of stomach pain and also spiked a fever. I took her to the doctor, who diagnosed an ear infection. An hour or so after we returned from the clinic, William began vomiting. He threw up five or six times in the span of four hours, and then thankfully stopped. He took a trip to the doctor on Tuesday, and was also diagnosed with an ear infection. On Wednesday Violet spiked a fever and also got a trip to the doctor. No ear infection this time, just a cold virus (probably the same one I've had all week and that Collin seems to be catching as well). Collin has only worked two and a half days this week, and I worked from home on Thursday. Thankfully everyone seems to be getting better.
2. Collin received a grade of 97% in his Technical Writing class, maintaining his 4.0 average at the University of Phoenix. He also received a very positive review from his professor. I'm so proud of him!
3. Elanor's new favorite movie is "The Nightmare Before Christmas." She was asking me for a toy we saw in Wal-Mart the other day, and I told her she should ask Santa Claus and maybe she'd get it for Christmas. She thought about this for a moment, then said, "I'll ask Jack Skellington." Okay, then...
I think she's more excited about seeing the Haunted Mansion's "Nightmare Before Christmas" theme at Disneyland then she is about seeing Santa!
4. My kids are getting so spoiled this Christmas. Grandma Vicki has already bought the top items on their wish lists. Yay for generous grandparents!
5. We also bought Toy Story 3 (via iTunes). I have not yet made it through a viewing without sobbing buckets at the end of it.
6. I'm meeting some co-workers tomorrow for lunch to belatedly celebrate my birthday. It should be a fun "girl time" together; we rarely get to socialize outside of work because we all live in different parts of the Valley. We're meeting in a location that's fairly central for all of us, so no one has to drive too terribly far. We're going to Oregano's, which I've never been to before but I hear is amazing.
7. Thanks to my wonderful husband, who is being very accomodating toward my sudden active social life, I also get some "me time" tonight; I'm going to the Bioethics Defense Fund's "Passion for Life" benefit. Although the introvert in me is sort of nervous about going without Collin, I'm looking forward to meeting other Catholic bloggers I know who are planning to attend (for example, Leila). All in all, should be a fun time!
Oh, yes, it was a VERY fun time!!! So wonderful to meet you there and have a chance to chat (and take photos!). I am going to get that photo up on the blog as soon as possible.