Thanks to Jen for hosting.
1. Thank you all again for your supportive comments to my last post. I plan to head to our local library this weekend and get some more resources on autism (the Sears parenting library has an autism book, yay!). Knowledge is power, and I'm feeling a bit better about things now that I've done some research. More good news is that Elanor has already met one of her physical therapy goals -- her PT called me yesterday to let me know. Go Elanor!
2. My grandma Violet arrived safely for her annual winter visit (although she got the time of her flight wrong and almost didn't make it -- eep!). The kids love having her with us, and I appreciate that she distracts them for me. :) I've actually managed to cook dinner four nights in a row! I think that's some kind of record for me.
3. Speaking of dinner, I have a fabulous recipe for fresh green beans that is always a hit at our house (at least with Collin and I -- the kids, of course, will barely touch them. I made them last night for Grandma Violet, though, and she loved them as well). I probably make it once a week: Seasoned Green Beans. I buy fresh green beans and make them with a steamer basket. They are so incredibly yummy!
4. We went to the Phoenix March for Life last Sunday and had a great time. The weather was sunny, but windy. We went to the Mass for Life at St. Francis Xavier and then walked from there to the Steele Indian School Park, where the pro-life rally was held. There were lots of great speakers! Afterwards, we met Bishop Olmsted. What a wonderful man. He blessed our children and then said to those standing around us, "The family is the nucleus -- this is what it's all about." I told him that we also had two children lost to miscarriage who were in heaven praying for us, and he hugged me and said, "Yes. Yes, they are!" It was a great moment.
5. I read "Unplanned" by Abby Johnson a few days ago. I started reading it before bed and stayed up past midnight to finish it -- I just couldn't put it down. It's a great book and I think she treats both sides of the debate very fairly.
6. I received a belated Christmas present from a friend a few days ago that included a $15 gift card to Amazon.com. I used it to buy the Tangled soundtrack, and I still had about $7 left so I started browsing for another album to purchase. I found Put on a Happy Face by Dick Van Dyke and the Vantastix. What a great album! Dick Van Dyke, acappella music, and Disney songs; what more can a person ask for?? Plus, it's very family friendly. I love it!
7. I am, come hell or high water, going to mail out Christmas presents this weekend. I have put it off way too long. (I made an iPhoto slideshow to include with all the gifts in lieu of Christmas cards, and haven't had the chance to export it to iMovie and burn DVD copies yet. But I AM going to do it tonight, by George.) We're going to go have dinner tomorrow with Collin's paternal grandparents and I want to give them a copy, so it will be good incentive to get it done.