7 Quick Takes Friday - Pro-Life Edition

Thanks to Jen for hosting.

1. It's "Ask Them What They Mean By Choice" Blog Day! Please participate if you can. There are several other pro-life activities this weekend, including Marches for Life on both coasts as well as the Phoenix March for Life, which I plan to attend. In the spirit of the day, I'd like to present some of the best "choices" I ever made.

2. Elanor Mary at 9 weeks, 6 days:

3. Elanor Mary at 20 weeks:

4. William Joseph at 8 weeks (it was an abdominal ultrasound, so you can barely make out the little peanut, but he's there!):

5. William Joseph at 20 weeks:

6. Violet Elizabeth at 8 weeks:

7. Violet Elizabeth at 20 weeks:


  1. Love the pics! I wish I could find the pics of my three kiddoes, who are all pro-life! Some books for wee ones to help that my kids liked are at http://traininghappyhearts.blogspot.com/2010/02/thanful-thursday-vol-2-five-great-books.html

  2. It is hard to believe people can look at these (especially when they're as clear as number 5) and insist they're "just a clump of tissue." Beautiful photos!

  3. So beautiful! I love looking at ultrasound pictures. :)

  4. Ohhhh I love your post!! Ultrasounds are my favorite things. I think they were a definite gift from God to show us all how beautiful young life is.


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