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The two of us, back in the day. |
Betty Beguiles is hosting an engagement stories link round-up, so I thought I'd participate!
It was a dark and stormy night...
Oops, never mind. I slipped into my English major mode for a second there. :) Anyway...
It all started one fateful day in June 2000. I was a student at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY, and I was still on campus because I was taking a summer class (Spanish 2030). I was in a campus computer lab, reading the latest rumors about the fourth Harry Potter book. I'd read the first book during Christmas break at the urging of my mother and my aunt Sheri; I'd been immediately hooked and ordered the second and third from Amazon in February. By that summer, I'd reread all three books a million times, was eagerly awaiting the fourth, and was a certified Harry Potter addict.
While looking for Harry Potter webpages on Yahoo! (remember, this was before the heyday of Facebook and forum-based message boards), I discovered that there were five or six Harry Potter “Yahoo! clubs” – forums where members conversed by posting messages at a common webpage. It was sort of like a message board, but more of a thread format.
I noticed one called Harry Potter for Grown-Ups, and it immediately piqued my interest. I'd wanted to join a Harry Potter web club or mailing list, but I'd been afraid that I'd wind up in the middle of a bunch of eleven-year-olds whose posts looked something like, "i lik hagrd becawse hes kewl." I was looking for conversation that was a bit more up to my level. So, I clicked on the link and started reading a few posts. I was delighted -- adults, having adult, mature discussions about Harry Potter! So, I signed up and began reading and posting messages regularly.
One day near the end of June, the group got into a discussion about why grown-ups enjoyed Harry Potter. One person thought it might be because we all wanted to revisit our childhoods, which sparked another conversation. (By the way, the entire record of this conversation is archived at the Harry Potter for Grown-Ups website, so feel free to go and look! You can search for messages by number, which is why I've provided them; I think their archives go back to 2000 and beyond.)
One member posted a message saying that she would only go back to her childhood if she could go back knowing what she knows now. I replied to her message in total agreement. My message was as follows:
Message 2949: My biggest problems in adolescence were worrying about how popular I was and how fat I was. If I could go back, I'd say to hell with society's conventions and really *live* my life without worrying about being popular or thin. I thought that because I wasn't thin, I wasn't worth anything -- thankfully, I now know that life is NOT a dress size, and I'm perfectly happy being a size 14. [Oh, to be a size 14 again...] I'm having the time of my life at college, and I have many wonderful friends who like me for ME, and not for what size I wear.
Soon, there was a reply to my post - a person by the ID of Jarnor23 (a.k.a. Collin Wahlund). His reply was as follows:
Message 2963: Oh, I'm in complete agreement about that. Waaay too many women are given this totally unrealistic idea about what a woman should look like. Personally, those uberthin women do NOT attract me. I know it might sound odd, but I actually prefer women who look like real women. There can even be something about a "flaw" that I find charming if the woman has a really beautiful personality that actually makes me feel the beauty of the woman is enhanced. And as much as the media would also like to make you think all men are steriotypical [sic] pigs who just want their supermodels, I'll bet you'll find a lot of guys who agree with this. Maybe not all, but then again, I've met some pretty superficial and shallow women too. ;)
Naturally, this reply astonished me. A man who didn't like the look of supermodels?? Who thought supermodels were too thin?? Was he for real?? The mischevious streak in me surfaced, and I replied with the following message:
Message 3019: Will you marry me? *grin*
I kid you not - that was my reply. Of course, at the time I was being facetious. However, Collin replied with:
Message 3064: Geez, I've never had a proposal before... er, how about a definite maybe? :)
I replied to that message with:
Message 3079: Sounds like a plan to me! :)
That, I thought, was the end of it. The next day, I traveled back to North Dakota, as my summer class had ended and I planned to spend the rest of the summer in my hometown. However, when I checked the board again I found his reply:
Message 3100: Sounds good by here too! So... maybe you might check your Yahoo mail for a little letter sent by electronic owl, and maybe I'll get a response back? :)
I checked my e-mail, and sure enough, there was an e-mail from Collin! After I replied, I posted the following response:
Message 3181: I just sent an e-owl in reply! :-) I think we'd better stick to owl post rather than this board for individual messages, because I think some people might be getting annoyed at us. :) Thanks for the letter!
After that, our correspondence continued via e-mail. For a solid week, we wrote e-mails back and forth, most of them 16k or more! We talked about EVERYTHING – Harry Potter, our hobbies, our likes and dislikes, etc. As it turned out, Collin had grown up in the same area I had (he'd lived in Valley City, Jamestown, and Fargo, ND, but was currently residing in Minneapolis, MN). We'd grown up about 40 miles away from one another, but hadn't “met” until we were living 850 miles apart! (Later, at our wedding, we discovered that my stepfather and his grandfather had known each other for many years, but neither of them made the connection until that day!)
During one of my e-mails I mentioned that I really wanted to go to the “Harry Potter Release Party” that the Fargo, ND Barnes & Noble was having to celebrate the release of the fourth book, but I didn't have anyone to go with and I really didn't want to go alone.
Collin surprised me by writing back and suggesting that we go together. I couldn't believe that he'd be willing to drive all the way from Minneapolis just to go to a Harry Potter party with me, but he insisted that it wasn't a problem. So, I said yes. We agreed to meet beforehand and go to a movie, then to the party, since the book wasn't being released until midnight and the party itself didn't start until 10pm or so.
The day we were to meet was July 7, 2000. I spent that day in Detroit Lakes with my best friend, Abbi (who was later my maid of honor), and confided in her that I had a date, and I was going to meet a guy that I'd met over the Internet. She was worried, but I assured her that we'd been talking weeks, and he didn't sound like an axe murderer. Besides, I was going to meet him in a well-lit place with plenty of people around (which is an excellent rule of thumb for meeting anyone from the Internet, by the way).
Later that evening, I drove back to Fargo and over to the mall movie theatre. We'd already exchanged pictures in prior e-mails, so I recognized him immediately. I'm not sure if it was love at first sight, but it was definitely "like" at first sight! He gave me a hug, and it felt very natural and very right. I think the thing that made me fall in love with him, though, was while we were standing in line to get our tickets (we saw the movie "Chicken Run," and it was great!). He turned to me, quite suddenly, and said, "My God, you're beautiful." I think I blushed and stammered something incredibly articulate like, "Oh, um, thank you." It was the tone, not the words, that had stunned me -– he sounded so incredibly awed and sincere.
After the movie, we went to the party at Barnes & Noble. We had a lot of fun – and we talked, and talked, and talked, and talked some more. We talked so much that we ended up sitting in his car in the parking lot until 2am! (Okay, maybe we did a little more than talking... but not much more.) ;)
I remember thinking, as I was driving home, that I had just met the man I was going to marry.
After that, we saw each other every single weekend. During one of our weekends, I accompanied him to his grandparents' fiftieth wedding anniversary party. We'd been dating about a month at that point, and I was very nervous to be meeting all of his relatives – parents, brothers, grandparents, aunts & uncles, cousins – in one fell swoop. I was especially nervous because Collin had confided in me that he'd been getting some ribbing due to our age difference – I was 19, he was 25. However, the weekend went very well, and by the end of it his grandmother had asked me to call her Grandma (something, according to Collin, she'd never asked any other girlfriend of his to do), and his aunts were giving me wedding planning tips. (Never mind that we weren't engaged...)
It's a good thing gas prices were pretty low back then, as he was driving 470 miles, round-trip, every week – until it was time for me to go back to Laramie. I found myself reluctant to go back – it was so far away from him! I loved the University of Wyoming, but I didn't want to be 900 miles away from Collin. However, via LOTS of phone calls and e-mails, and even a visit from Collin a few months into the semester, our love continued to flourish and grow. During our conversations, marriage had come up several times, but he'd said that his finances wouldn't allow him to purchase a ring for some time, so I accepted that it would be a while before we could get officially engaged.
After the semester ended, I flew to Minneapolis to spend a week with Collin before going home for Christmas. Among other things, we planned to go and see the Harry Potter exhibit at Dayton's in downtown Minneapolis. (The original building is still there, but it changed to Marshall Fields, and now I think it's Macy's?) Collin had already attended, with his aunt Cheryl & her family, and said that I had to go see it. So, the day after I arrived, Sunday, December 17, 2000, we went to see it.
There was almost no line for the exhibit, which delighted me. Collin, however, was surprised but not particularly happy about it. I wondered why, but unbeknownst to me he was incredibly nervous and wanted to spend the time waiting in line to calm his nerves!
We went through the exhibit, talking the entire time, and at the end I sighed and said, "Wow, that was fantastic!"
Collin said, "It's not over yet."
I looked around, confused, because I didn't see anything else. Collin, however, handed me his program and said, "I don't think it's in your program."
I looked at his program. He'd taped a little sheet of paper to the end that basically said the last scene was where he proposed to me.
I looked at him, and he was on one knee with a ring in his hand, saying -- something. My mind was frozen! All I could think was, "A ring! He has a ring?? He has a ring!!" (It turns out he'd borrowed the money from his aunt Cheryl, and she had helped him pick it out. It was exactly the kind of ring I loved -- small, simple, classic.)
Suddenly, it occurred to my still-frozen mind that I should say something! I blurted, "Yes, yes, of course! Yes!" and gave him a hug.
The rest, to use a cliche, is history. We called all of our friends and family that night and broke the happy news. Everyone was very happy for us (although I doubt my mother will ever get over the shock!). We went over to his aunt Cheryl's house to celebrate by playing a game of Harry Potter trivia. I, of course, kicked butt. (The winning question? "What was the spell that Ron's twin brothers gave him to try on Scabbers?" The answer: "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow; turn this stupid, fat rat yellow.")
Collin and I were married on September 1st, 2001 (the day that Harry Potter usually returns to Hogwarts via the Hogwarts Express -- which, geekily enough, was partially the reason that we picked that date, since July 31st wasn't a Saturday!), at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in my hometown in North Dakota. We're still very much in love and very happily married. Married life has had its ups and downs -- but luckily more ups than downs! :) Baby #4 is due on December 16, and I'm hoping s/he will wait a day and arrive on December 17, which will be the 11th anniversary of our engagement.
Oh my gosh!!!! This is the best, sweetest, most romantic love story!!!!! I ate it up!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo sweet! I met my husband because of a wrong number call, so you never know how God will direct you! On an unrelated note, love your son's name William Joseph...my boys are Joseph and William! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is totally awesome! I love it! I have to admit I didn't expect to read these stories and laugh with joy.
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter rules. Can't wait for July 15. :) :) :)
Great story! :)
ReplyDeleteAw that is sweet. I love the part where he told you that you are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteHow sweet. I love the utter nerdiness of it. I love Harry Potter, and while it isn't the nerdy thing that my husband and I share (we have our own nerdinessess) I love to hear how sheer nerdiness and kindess brings people together.
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing and so so sweet :)!
ReplyDeleteI approve, obviously. Can't believe I missed this when you posted it before!
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed reading this!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful story!