I hate to break my blog fast with bad news, but it's 2:30 in the morning and I ate too much Halloween candy before bed. That's not the bad news, that's just the reason I'm blogging at this hour. Also, I apologize for the stream of consciousness blogging that will follow, I just need to get all of this out but I don't think it will be very coherent.
We have another Saint in heaven. Ironically, looking back, I believe I tested positive exactly 2 months before I miscarried. I conceived around August 15, tested positive around August 28, and on October 28 we found out our sweet baby had died.
It is such a baffling loss. I had two prior ultrasounds this pregnancy, one at eight weeks and one at ten weeks. Both times, the baby was measuring right on target and had a beautiful heartbeat. I could even see him or her wiggling around.
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Our ultrasound at 10 weeks |
Then, at what was supposed to be a routine prenatal appointment at 12 weeks, my midwife could not find the baby's heartbeat on Doppler. She wheeled in a portable ultrasound machine and did a belly ultrasound, which showed a baby about the right size but too still, and no flicker of a heartbeat.
Even so, we held out a thin shred of hope. The portable ultrasound machine was old and fuzzy, so she sent me to a nearby radiology practice for a better quality ultrasound (the practice I go to does have an in-house, high-quality 3-D ultrasound machine, but the tech only works Mondays and Fridays, and this was a Wednesday).
But our hope was extinguished. Although the baby was measuring exactly the right size for his or her gestational age, there was no heartbeat. Our baby had died.
I had a D&C the following day. I briefly thought about taking pills to induce labor instead, and delivering naturally, but I couldn't bear the thought of going through all that pain knowing it would end in heartbreak. Or miscarrying at home with the children around. Or having to deal with the baby's body myself. Also my doctor usually recommends a D&C if the pregnancy has progressed past 10 weeks, as he has observed a higher rate of complications with miscarrying naturally past that point.
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Baby Jude, 12w4d... too still |
Once again, I went in for surgery. Many of the same nurses were working in the surgical department and remembered us from June. They were shocked and sad to see us return.
And once again, we have had to bury another baby. The same section of the same cemetery, the same deacon performed the service, and we even had several of the same friends present. The same tiny casket, with the same little blanket covering it.
We named the baby Jude, since we found out about his or her death on the feast day of Saint Jude, patron of impossible causes. I had just finished a novena to him on the day of my appointment. In the time between my first and second ultrasounds, I begged St. Jude for a miracle, but it was not to be.
I am having a much harder time with the aftermath of Jude's loss than I did with Francis'. With Francis, I was able to accept his or her loss as a fluke. Granted, I had had two prior miscarriages before Francis, but they hadn't been consecutive. I've brought five healthy babies to term (Peter's birth defect notwithstanding). I thought, surely, my "pattern" would hold and my miscarriage would be followed by a full-term pregnancy. I even began making plans as a portent of hope - discussing names, hiring my doula, planning for maternity leave, even unpacking my maternity clothes. I had started wearing some, as my regular clothes were starting to get tight.
But my hopes were dashed, and it was made even more inexplicable by the fact that by all accounts the baby was healthy and thriving throughout most of the first trimester. I had much less nausea than usual, but I attributed that to the fact that I was taking some additional vitamin supplements. Plus, I had had terrible nausea and vomiting with Francis, so I knew that bad nausea did not necessarily equate to a healthy pregnancy.
And now I just feel at a loss. Is there something wrong with me? Did I do something to cause this? Do I have low progesterone, or a blood clotting disorder, or is it because I'm approaching advanced maternal age (I turn 35 on November 3) and my egg quality is declining?
Or is there another reason altogether? Does God think I'm a such a terrible mother that I don't deserve to be blessed with another living child? Intellectually I know that's not true, but in my darkest moments I still wonder. I wake up in the middle of the night and start crying when I remember that I'm not pregnant anymore.
I spoke to my OB about having genetic testing done on Jude, but it would cost us $2500 out-of-pocket and that is just not an expense we can bear right now. In addition, my OB pointed out that if the tests did show something wrong genetically, it's not really something we could act upon, and he prefers to perform tests that yield an actionable outcome.
He is going to refer me to a reproductive endocrinologist, though, for more extensive testing on me. Maybe I do have some sort of blood clotting disorder or genetic mutation that has caused my four losses, and I've just been amazingly fortunate to bring five healthy children to term. Maybe there's something we can do next time, if there is a next time. Assuming we ever get pregnant again, I know I am definitely going to get my progesterone tested first thing, just in case. But my OB doesn't think progesterone deficiency was a factor in my loss, since the placenta takes over progesterone production at 10 weeks and it's unlikely to have a late miscarriage caused by progesterone issues (usually that kind of deficiency will cause an early miscarriage). Plus my progesterone has been tested with other successful pregnancies, and was always at an optimal number. Still, I don't think he would object if I asked to be tested, and it may prove to be one more piece of the puzzle.
I feel guilty for taking this loss so hard when I do have five beautiful, healthy children. But they are grieving as well. My oldest daughter is especially devastated; she has longed for another baby sibling now that Peter is a toddler and not a baby. She especially wants a little sister, but she understands that the baby's gender is beyond our control. Telling her that Jude had died was one of the hardest things we've ever done.
And as a consequence I'm terrified of getting pregnant again. Obviously it's too soon - both logistically and in terms of the grieving process - to make any decisions in that regard, but I know that if we do choose to get pregnant again, my first trimester is going to be a time of constant fear and trepidation, not joy. And even having successful ultrasounds that show a a living baby won't help take away the fear.
I think that miscarriage definitely robs you of your pregnancy innocence, but multiple consecutive miscarriages, especially after what seemed like positive signs, completely robs you of your joy. A positive pregnancy test seems like a harbinger of doom instead of a gift of new life.
And yet I know I shouldn't feel that way either. God has given, and God has taken away. My babies are with God now, and they will never know pain, will never know sin, will never know heartbreak or loss. They are perhaps the most fortunate of all my children in that regard. But it hurts that I will not know them this side of heaven.
It feels so strange to not be pregnant anymore. I can't quite seem to wrap my mind around it. One day I was pregnant, the next I was not - but there is no baby in my arms to help me acclimate to the change. Part of me wants to give away all of my maternity clothes, baby clothes, and baby gear, just to get the constant reminders out of the house. Part of me feels that's foolish because… What if? I don't know. Something to think about later, I guess.
I've been writing for about an hour now and it's about time I shut things down and try to get more sleep. If you've made it this far, thanks for "listening."
I am so sorry for your loss! St. June, pray for us!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers for your comfort and healing. St. Jude pray for us...especially pray for your mommy.
ReplyDeleteJoAnna, I'm so sorry. Praying for you.
ReplyDeleteBeen praying for you and thinking of you all weekend. God is holding you close to His heart.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry. May God give you comfort and peace.
ReplyDeleteOh JoAnna, I am so very sorry. I love the name Jude. That is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteEverything you wrote is so beautiful and honestly, I felt myself saying "yes, yes" throughout as your experience does mirror my own in some respects and if you ever want to talk, just let me know. With my 3rd and 4th miscarriages we saw healthy heart beats two times each for Mary and Anne (and measuring fine) and then I went onto miscarry later within the next couple of weeks. In Anne's case it was only 6 days after we had last seen the heartbeat and I found out too while I was at a routine prenatal appt where they expected to hear the heartbeat, couldn't find it, had me do the portable ultrasound - couldn't find it using that either (baby was so still), sent me to the radiology dept, etc. I will be honest it was almost soul crushing to come back from that 4th miscarriage, those were dark days, the questions were endless and at that time as you know I only had one living child. All this to say, we did have placental testing done on both Mary and Anne after my D&Cs and both came back with having Trisomy 21. They then asked if my husband and I would like to be tested to see if we were carriers because one Trisomy 21 baby is not unexpected at my age (35), but 2 miscarriages caused by Trisomy 21 in 8 months was more than a fluke (at least my OB thought). We did consent and had the testing, more for information and we both were negative for that and everything else they checked for. However, curiously enough, my Napro doctor mentioned to me in the aftermath of all of this that she had read up on some studies that said DHEA could help with balanced translocation (which is what they ultimately thought this was, something that was happening genetically at the time of conception in regards to the translocation of the chromosomes - or something like that...I am so not a doctor.) She recommended having my husband take one a day, just the simple OTC kind. I got the generic version at CVS - I think it was 25mg. He did start it and we did go on to have a full term baby 14 months later. Was that just a coincidence, maybe...but maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask your Napro doctor about if they have heard of that protocol. Also, have you been tested for the MTHFR gene mutation. Incidentally, I was tested during my 6th pregnancy and found out I had 2 copies of one of the gene mutations (so I was homozygous) and there are lots of things out there that say that can contribute to miscarriages (but some doctors don't believe it is worth looking into - kind of like a lot of things these days, lots of pros and cons for all treatments, etc.). Anyway, we did miscarry again after Katharine, but it was really early and we never saw a heartbeat, so maybe it was just age for me at that time...I won't know this side of heaven. But yes, I desire another child, but at the same time am terrified of another miscarriage. It really is a delicate balancing act and a big lesson in trust, which I fail miserably ALL THE TIME.
Praying for you today. Much love to you and take care of yourself. Love, Marie
I am so sorry, Joanna. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteI don't often check in but today I felt compelled to see how you are doing. I am so sorry for your loss my friend. On All Souls Day - we pause to light another candle in remembrance. Be gentle with yourself.
ReplyDelete--hugs from MN --
ReplyDeleteThank you for your honesty. I'm so sorry for yet another loss. God isn't doing this to teach you a lesson, to smite you, to make a judgment about what kind of mother you are, or to get revenge for one of your failings. That is the thinking of the enemy and human reasoning. Our Lady of Sorrows surely understands your pain, maybe you could reach out to her. Prayers for you.
ReplyDeleteWho knows why God allows things such as this to happen...I've learned you can never really figure Him out but just trust Him.
ReplyDeleteBut whenever I hear of things like this, I can't help but feel in my heart that God asks a living sacrifice of mothers. A living sacrifice to take away the child she has already learned to love and a living sacrifice to leave the children she loves. (I've known a lot of mothers who have died, lately.) We live in a selfish world where people have children on their own terms. A mothers love makes atonement for that selfishness. And sometimes, I think God is asking for a sacrifice of a generous heart to make up in atonement for a selfish one. This is how I reason things out, anyway. I have never had a miscarriage, but it doesn't stop me from feeling what it must feel like to suffer such deep disappointment.
Prayers be with you, JoAnna, really. I do believe that God will reward you for your faithfulness.