7 Quick Takes Friday - February 15, 2013

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I'm so excited. It's MYSTERY DATE night! That's where one of us plans a date and the other has no idea what we're doing or where we're going until we get there. Collin's surprised me twice with mystery dates (last Mother's Day he surprised me with a night at Talking Stick Resort; last September he surprised me with dinner out and tickets to a live Broadway tour of Les Miserables). Tonight it's my turn. Muwahahahaha. He knows we have a date tonight, but not where we're going. As he reads my blog, I won't share the details right now.

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This weekend we're considering going to Flagstaff so the kids can play in snow. All of us have been sick this week so we're mulling the idea of cancelling, but I think we might go anyway and just let the kids see the snow instead of play in it.

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I was surprised and sad to learn about Pope Benedict XVI's resignation, but I understand that his health has deteriorated. I'll miss Papa Ratzi. Have you seen the applause he received at his last Papal Mass, on Ash Wednesday? What a beautiful moment. And then, in true Holy Father style, he simply says, "Thank you. Now let us return to prayer. I love him so much.

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Perhaps it's petty of me, but I was thinking the other day how nice it would be if the new Pope was African. That way, whenever anti-Catholics start spewing their twaddle, we could just look at them and say, "You're just saying that because you're racist." And given that's the invective they usually hurl at anyone who dares to criticize Obama, how could they deny it?

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My grandmother flies in for her annual visit on Thursday! I can't wait to see her.

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That was some meteorite in Russia! Collin told me he heard on the news that some Russians were joking about it; they said the meteorite was supposed to hit on December 21 for the end of the world, but the Russian mail is so slow that it look longer.

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(I'm stealing Kara's 7th Quick Take today, because I'm short on time...) 40 to Forever is well underway and today is for Olga! Check this sweetie out and look at all the great prizes you could win by helping! http://fortytoforever.com/2013/02/15/day-3-olga-for-the-abell-family/

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. #4, oh how I love it!!!!!

    Can't wait to hear about where you went on your mystery date….

  2. Too funny! I also hope the next pope comes from Africa. Many reasons- that continent has done more than it's fair share in growing the body of Christ, surviving oppression of Christians, and yes, I think having a powerful, black, conservative voice might allow many minority groups to see that their only option is NOT liberalism... that it is ok to be conservative!!!

  3. I love this mystery date idea! My husband and I were just talking the other day how we need to keep things "interesting" in our marriage as everything tends to become a little routine and predictable. I just may have to steal this idea. I will tell him where I got it from of course. :-)

    There is no need to bring your kids to Flagstaff to play in the snow. Just bring them to MN. We have plenty. :-)

    My brother called me to ask for some information for his passport (I guess it needs information like our parents birth.) I asked him why he was getting a passport (he never leaves the house) and he told me he's going to Rome with my other brother and his family! They are going to be there for when the new Pope! Oh my gosh, I'm so jealous! It took a lot for me not to say anything out of jealousy. But I'm happy for him. He's going to love Rome!

    By the way, I need to redeem myself on my dumb moment when I commented last about when Lent starts. You pointed out to me that it starts on Wednesday....ok, I KNEW THAT! Honestly, I don't know where my head is these days. I think the flu may have zapped all living brain cells out of my head.

    Yes, I know Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. But thanks for reminding me, because I did forget. :-)

    1. Never finished my sentence--"they are going to be there for when the new Pope is chosen."

      Will I never redeem myself?

  4. #4 LOL!!

    Thanks for sharing 40 to forever. :)

  5. I LOVE the idea of a mystery date night! Hope you two had a wonderful time!

    #4 cracked me up hehe! :)


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